Berea Christian Fellowship
Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Head Pastor: Jesus Christ
Under Shepherds: Jake Frey,Leighton Yoder,
Keith Yoder, James Yoder – First among Equals
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns & Kermit Zimmerman
April 16, 2023
Welcome to our Communion Service!
Meditation & Testimonies…………………………….Keith Yoder
Offering Today: Alms
Offering Last Sunday: Expense $
Offering Next Sunday: Medical
S.S. lesson today: No Sunday School
Next S.S. lesson: Matthew 6:5-15
Message………………………………………………….Jake Frey
Title: “Remember”
Text: Romans 8:16-24
Officiate In Emblems……………………………………Jake Frey
Distribute Emblems………Lavern Kuhns & Kermit Zimmerman
Foot Washing & Alms Scripture………….………James Yoder
Hosts today: Austin & Melinda Yoder
Hosts next Sunday: Lloyd & Angie Beachy
Today 6:00 Cornerstone Ministries sharing
Mon. 4/17 Happy Birthday, Esther Both!
Tue. 4/18 Half day sewing
Wed. 4/19 7:00 Prayer Hour
4/21 – 4/22 Berea Ladies Retreat @ Wawasee Episcopal Center
4/21 – 4/22 Youth: Sold Out Conference @ Maple City Chapel
Sun. 4/23 No evening service
Wed. 4/26 7:00 Prayer Hour
Thu. 4/27 6:30 Youth: Serving Night – Details TBA
Prayer Requests_____________________________________
Church Cleaning
Apr. 22 Brian & Roxy Martin
Apr. 29 Jason & Natasha Gingerich