Berea Christian Fellowship
Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a
caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple
individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Head Pastor: Jesus Christ
Under Shepherds: Jake Frey, Leighton Yoder, Keith Yoder,
James Yoder – First Among Equals
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns, Kermit Zimmerman, Robert Miller
December 8th, 2024
Welcome & Announcements.….……….………………………………….9:30 am
Devotional & Offering………………….……………………Jamison B. & Josh N.
Offering Today: Expense
Offering Last Sunday: School($4,190)
Offering Next Sunday: Mission
Sunday School…………………………………………..…………………………9:45 am
S.S. lesson today: Matthew 22:23-33
Next S.S. lesson: Matthew 22:34-46
Memory Verses & Birthdays.……………………………Jamison B. & Josh N.
Scripture Reading (Isaiah 5)…………..……………….……..……Rendall Miller
Singing and Sharing………………….……………………..Jonathan Hochstetler
Message……………………………….…………………………………..Leighton Yoder
Title: Kingdom Living Defined?
Text: Select Scriptures
Hosts today: Fellowship Meal
Hosts next Sunday: James & Gladys Yoder
TodayHappy Birthday, Sadie Miller!
Clean Up Crew: Merv & Pauline; Reuben & Ada; Sam & Delilah; Alyssa; Austin & Melinda; Derek & Brooke
Mon.12/9Happy Birthday, Larry Miller!
Wed.12/11No Prayer Hour
Thu.12/12Youth: 6:30 – Christmas Caroling
and Hayride
Fri.12/13UCS: 7:00 – Christmas Program
Sat.12/14Happy Birthday, Erma S. and Jonathan H!
Sun.12/15Christmas Caroling – Soup provided. Bring finger-foods
Tue.12/17Ladies: Half-day sewing
Girls: 6:30 – Bright Lights – Christmas Caroling at Millers Merry Manor
Thu. 12/19Youth: 6:30 – Volleyball @ UCS
12/23 -1/3UCS: Christmas Break
Church Cleaning
Dec. 14 Eric & Sadie Berkshire
Dec. 21 Leonard & Rachel Mast
NOTICE: Please check your families information in the sample
Church Directory to make sure it is correct. It is laying on the
library counter. Mark down changes with the red pen provided.