Berea Christian Fellowship
BCF Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Senior Pastor: James Yoder
Pastors: Keith Yoder, Jake Frey, Leighton Yoder
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns, Kermit Zimmerman
February 21, 2021
Welcome & Song
Offering and Sunday School
Offering Today: Medical
Offering Last Sunday: Expense
Offering Next Sunday: Mission
S.S. lesson today: Romans 6:15-18
Next S.S. lesson: Romans 6:19-23
Memory Verses & Birthdays
Pastoral Ordination………………….…Leighton & Carrie Yoder
Singing & Sharing……………………………….Lynford Slabaugh
Message……………………………………………..Leighton Yoder
Title: “How to Pray for the Saints”
Text: Ephesians 1:15-20; 1Corinthians 2:3-12
Hosts today:
Hosts next Sunday: Justin & Emily Mast
Today 6:00 Hymn Sing
Happy Birthday, Henry Raber!
Mon. 2/22 Happy Birthday, Court Hochstetler!
Happy Anniversary, Tony & Nancy!
Wed. 2/24 7:00 Prayer Meeting
Thu. 2/25 6:30 Youth: Soft Pretzel Social @ UCS
Fri. 2/26 Happy Birthday, Lesa Yoder!
Sun. 2/28 No evening service
Tue. 3/2 Ladies: half day sewing
Wed. 3/3 No evening service
Thu. 3/4 6:30 Youth: Bible Study in the Berea Youth Room
Fri. 3/5 7:00 Faith Mission: Meal – Judy B, Pauline S, Ada M.
Song Leader & Moderator – Jason B.
Message – Reuben M.
Sat. 3/6 Men of Valor Men’s Retreat @ Pleasant Grove Church
Coming up:
Wed. 3/10 7:00 Finance/Budget Meeting