Berea Christian Fellowship
Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Head Pastor: Jesus Christ
Under Shepherds: Jake Frey, Leighton Yoder,
Keith Yoder, James Yoder – First Among Equals
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns, Kermit Zimmerman
December 26, 2021
Welcome & Song
Offering & Sunday School
Offering Today: Mission
Offering Last Sunday: Medical
Offering Next Sunday: School
S.S. lesson today: Romans 15:17-22
Next S.S. lesson: Romans 15:23-28
Memory Verses, Birthdays & Anniversaries
Scripture Reading…………………………….Wynne Hochstetler
Singing & Sharing…………..…..……….…Jonathan Hochstetler
Message……………………………….………….…Leighton Yoder
Title: “God’s Economy”
Text: Ephesians 3:1-13
Hosts today: Justin & Emily Mast
Hosts next Sunday: Daniel & Audrey Gingerich
Today No evening service
Mon. 12/27 Happy Birthday, Sue Ann Hershberger, Rachel Slabaugh,
& Laurie Hochstetler!
Wed. 12/29 No evening service
Happy Birthday, Nancy Hantelman, Pauline Stoltzfus, &
Gabian Slabaugh!
Fri. 12/31 7:00 New Year’s Eve Party in Fellowship Hall ~ everyone
invited, bring snacks & games
Youth: New Year’s Eve Party @ Lavern & Lou Ella’s
Happy Birthday, Ellie Skiles & Aden Miller
Sat. 1/1 Happy New Year!
Happy Birthday, Lavon Slabaugh, Reuben Miller, &
Elouise Mast!
Sun. 1/2 6:00 “What Would I Tell My Younger Self”
Mon. 1/3 Back to school
Tue. 1/4 Ladies: half day sewing
Wed. 1/5 No evening service
Thu. 1/6 6:30 Youth: Volleyball @ UCS
Prayer Requests:____________________________________
Church Cleaning
Jan.2 Marilyn B, Joel, Jamison B.
Jan. Court & Laurie Hochstetler