Berea Christian Fellowship
Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Head Pastor: Jesus Christ
Under Shepherds: Jake Frey,Leighton Yoder,
Keith Yoder, James Yoder – First among Equals
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns & Kermit Zimmerman
July 23, 2023
Welcome and Song
Offering and Sunday School
Offering Today: Medical
Offering Last Sunday: Mission $
Offering Next Sunday: Pastoral Fund & Paul Miller
S.S. lesson today: Matthew 8:28-34
Next S.S. lesson: No Sunday School
Memory Verses and Birthdays
Scripture Reading………………………………Michael Gingerich
Singing and Sharing……………………………Lynford Slabaugh
Message……………………………………………………..Jake Frey
Title: “What is God Like”
Text: Isaiah 40:25-26
Hosts today: Bronson & Charity Yoder
Hosts next Sunday: Fellowship Meal
Today No evening service
Tue. 7/25 6:00 Annual School cleaning
7:00 Laudate Mennonite Ensemble @ Sauder Concert Hall
Wed. 7/26 No evening service
Thu. 7/27 Happy Birthday, Thaddeus Yoder!
7/29 – 8/6 Youth: Youth Mission Trip to Bethel Camp/Kentucky
Fri. 7/28 Happy Birthday, Jenaleah Miller!
Sun. 7/30 Morning message: Paul Miller
Fellowship meal: families bring hot & cold dish
Couples & singles bring 1 dish
Tue . 8/1 Half day sewing
Wed. 8/2 No evening service
Prayer requests________________________________
Church Cleaning
July 29 Justin & Emily Mast
Aug. 5 Landen & Amanda Martin
Clean up group next Sunday: Rich & Rita, Conrad & Ayanna, Rodger & Lorena, Travis, Rendall, Grace, Candace