Berea Christian Fellowship
Mission Statement
Many people are hurt, lonely, and confused. BCF is a caring community of Christ-followers, committed to disciple individuals to a life of peace and purpose in Christ.
Head Pastor: Jesus Christ
Under Shepherds: Jake Frey,Leighton Yoder,
Keith Yoder, James Yoder – First among Equals
Deacons: Lavern Kuhns & Kermit Zimmerman
April 7, 2024
Welcome and Song
Offering and Sunday School
Offering Today: School
Offering Last Sunday: School & Rental Expense
Offering Next Sunday: Expense
S.S. lesson today: Matthew 15:21-28
Next S.S. lesson: Matthew 15:29-31
Memory Verses and Birthdays
Scripture Reading……………………….……..Michael Gingerich
Singing and Sharing.………………………Jonathan Hochstetler
Message……………………………………………..Leighton Yoder
Series: The Statement of Faith
Title: “Discipleship in the Kingdom of God” (part 1)
Text: Selected Scriptures
Hosts today: Robert & Mary Kay Miller
Hosts next Sunday: Fellowship Meal
Today 6:00 Singing @ Nursing Homes
Mon. 4/8 Happy Birthday, Joann Hammon!
Wed. 4/10 7:00 Prayer Hour
Thu. 4/11 6:30 Youth: Blind Volleyball w/ Parents @ UCS
Happy Birthday, Brayden Borkholder!
Fri. 4/12 Happy Birthday, Eva Martin!
Sat. 4/13 Happy Anniversary, Wendell & Sara!
Sun. 4/14 Fellowship Brunch Meal: take a food slip
No evening service
Tue. 4/16 half day sewing
Wed. 4/17 6:30 Self Examination/Testimonies
Thu. 4/18 6:30 Youth: Serving Night/Location TBD
Prayer Requests________________________________
Church Cleaning
Apr. 13 Nick & Cassie Hochstetler
Apr. 20 Wendell & Sara Miller